Về vấn đề sập server mất dữ liệu
Diễn đàn sập server do có mấy thằng mất dạy report máy chủ đặt xamer.fun cho nên server cũ bị khóa mất dữ liệu chưa backup 1 tháng nay
Lần này là lần thứ 2 sập, kiếm được cái server để đặt quá mệt mỏi. đặt xa thì chậm với hỗ trợ chậm còn gần thì gặp thứ gì không khóa server vô tội vạ
Lần này thì thằng report server để tên : Bui Cao Nhat Quan report server đặt diễn đàn với lý do trong bài https://xamer.fun/t/bui-cao-nhat-quan-bat-day-co-phieu-nvl-va-nhung-hinh-anh-dang-nho.720/ . anh em kiếp mấy cái clip cũ lên chia sẽ anh em coi chơi ...
Bởi vì nó giàu nên mấy thằng lol bán server ngán nó hay sao mà nó khóa cái server của mình ...
Server đang đặt tạm tại 1 chõ nào đó nó rất yếu nên có thể lag nên anh em thông cảm ...
We received a copyright infringement complaint regarding an abuse content hosted on your service.
-- start of the technical details --
Cloudflare received the report regarding:
The majority of websites for which we receive reports of abuse utilize Cloudflare’s reverse proxy, pass-through security service, and Cloudflare cannot control or remove content from the Internet that it does not host. Accordingly, we are forwarding this information to you so that you may take action.
The actual host for xamer.fun are the following IP addresses. x.x.x.x. Using the following command, you can confirm the site in question is hosted at that IP address: curl -v -H "Host: xamer.fun" x.x.x.x/
Below is the report we received:
Reporter's Name: Bui Cao Nhat Quan
Reporter's Email Address: email-removed@provider.com
Reporter's Address: US
Reported URLs:
Comments: Dear Cloudflare,
I hope this email finds you well. My name is Bui Cao Nhat Quan, and I am writing to you with a matter of great urgency and concern.
I recently discovered that sensitive and private images of myself and my girlfriend have been posted on a website without our permission. These images were shared without our consent and violate our privacy and dignity.
I kindly request that you take immediate action to remove these images from your website. Their presence not only infringes upon our rights but also poses significant emotional distress and potential harm to our personal and professional lives.
I understand that your hosting service has guidelines and policies in place regarding the removal of sensitive or unauthorized content, and I implore you to enforce these measures promptly in this situation.
Please treat this matter with the utmost urgency and discretion. I would appreciate your prompt response confirming the removal of the aforementioned images from your platform.
Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I look forward to your swift resolution of this issue.
Bui Cao Nhat Quan
Please address this issue with your customer.
Diễn đàn sập server do có mấy thằng mất dạy report máy chủ đặt xamer.fun cho nên server cũ bị khóa mất dữ liệu chưa backup 1 tháng nay
Lần này là lần thứ 2 sập, kiếm được cái server để đặt quá mệt mỏi. đặt xa thì chậm với hỗ trợ chậm còn gần thì gặp thứ gì không khóa server vô tội vạ
Lần này thì thằng report server để tên : Bui Cao Nhat Quan report server đặt diễn đàn với lý do trong bài https://xamer.fun/t/bui-cao-nhat-quan-bat-day-co-phieu-nvl-va-nhung-hinh-anh-dang-nho.720/ . anh em kiếp mấy cái clip cũ lên chia sẽ anh em coi chơi ...
Bởi vì nó giàu nên mấy thằng lol bán server ngán nó hay sao mà nó khóa cái server của mình ...
Server đang đặt tạm tại 1 chõ nào đó nó rất yếu nên có thể lag nên anh em thông cảm ...
We received a copyright infringement complaint regarding an abuse content hosted on your service.
-- start of the technical details --
Cloudflare received the report regarding:
The majority of websites for which we receive reports of abuse utilize Cloudflare’s reverse proxy, pass-through security service, and Cloudflare cannot control or remove content from the Internet that it does not host. Accordingly, we are forwarding this information to you so that you may take action.
The actual host for xamer.fun are the following IP addresses. x.x.x.x. Using the following command, you can confirm the site in question is hosted at that IP address: curl -v -H "Host: xamer.fun" x.x.x.x/
Below is the report we received:
Reporter's Name: Bui Cao Nhat Quan
Reporter's Email Address: email-removed@provider.com
Reporter's Address: US
Reported URLs:
Comments: Dear Cloudflare,
I hope this email finds you well. My name is Bui Cao Nhat Quan, and I am writing to you with a matter of great urgency and concern.
I recently discovered that sensitive and private images of myself and my girlfriend have been posted on a website without our permission. These images were shared without our consent and violate our privacy and dignity.
I kindly request that you take immediate action to remove these images from your website. Their presence not only infringes upon our rights but also poses significant emotional distress and potential harm to our personal and professional lives.
I understand that your hosting service has guidelines and policies in place regarding the removal of sensitive or unauthorized content, and I implore you to enforce these measures promptly in this situation.
Please treat this matter with the utmost urgency and discretion. I would appreciate your prompt response confirming the removal of the aforementioned images from your platform.
Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I look forward to your swift resolution of this issue.
Bui Cao Nhat Quan
Please address this issue with your customer.